
Colin Bell

Director. Assoc. Deg. App. Sc. (Winegrowing), Trade Hort. , Cert. 3 Food Proc. (Wine).

Areas of expertise:

  • ASVO Viticulturist of the Year 2018
  • Vineyard establishment and management
  • Winery vineyard liaison
  • Holistic property management
  • Quality assurance and Freshcare
  • Vine health
  • Human resource
  • Vineyard carbon footprint assessments
  • Soil assessments

Other industry activities:

  • Member of Australian Vignerons board
  • ASVO member

Mike Gray

Director BSc Horticulture (Hons) MBA

Areas of expertise:

  • Vineyard establishment and management
  • Operations management
  • Vineyard monitoring
  • Quality assurance and freschcare
  • Human Resources
  • Logistics and strategic planning 
  • Vine and fruit quality assessment

Other Industry Activities:

  • Secretary / Treasurer- Southwest Capes Water Users Group Inc (SCWUGi)
  • ASVO member

Jim Campbell Clause

Director. BSc (Ag Hon)

Areas of expertise:

  • Vineyard planning and development
  • Grape varieties and propagation
  • Irrigation
  • Grapevine nutrition
  • Soil and canopy management
  • Quality assurance

Other industry activities:

  • Chairman of WAVIA (Western Australian Vine Improvement Association)
  • Member of the Wine Agricultural Produce Committee
  • Chairman of WOWA Technical Group 
  • UWA Cabernet Project reference Group 
  • GeographeWine Industry Association Technical Committee
  • ASVO member
  • Member of National Germplasm working group

Rebecca Burt

Office Manager. BBus (Acc & Public Prac)

  • Client Accounting and Reporting
  • Management Accounting and Reporting
  • Human Resources

Annabelle Lechinger

Payroll and Administrative Officer.


  • Payroll and timebilling
  • Labour recruitment and inductions

Cheryl Stoker

Payroll and Administrative Officer.


  • Payroll and timebilling
  • Labour recruitment and inductions

Evan Gray

Vineyard Supervisor/Technical Officer

  • Staff training, management and supervision
  • Monitoring, pest and disease management
  • Vineyard technical work

Paul O'Reilly

Vineyard Operator/Supervisor

  • Staff training and supervision
  • General operations
  • Machinery operations and maintenance

Larissa Harris

Technical Officer

  • Monitoring, pest and disease management
  • Vineyard technical work

Wayne Kent

Vineyard Operator/Supervisor

  • General Operations
  • Staff training and Supervision

Annabelle Lechinger

General Vineyard Operations/ Supervisor

Claire Osborn

General Vineyard Operations

Kojiro Kurita

Vineyard Supervisor/ General Vineyard Operations